Working with Layers
Understanding Layers
Layers are a powerful feature in TwistedBrush Pro Studio. Layers allow you to work on elements of your image without impacting other areas, in other words to edit those elements independent from the others. TwistedBrush Pro Studio allows for up to 255 layers in your images.
The Layers Panel
The Layers Panel in TwistedBrush Pro Studio v25 and above is very different from the panel in the earlier versions of the program. However, all major functionality is kept.

1. The Background Layer is the default layer of any page. In TwistedBrush Pro Studio this is the only layer in that cannot have transparency. In other words, it is always at 100% opacity. If you want to work on images that will always have transparent areas such as clip art you can hide the background layer and work on layers above.
By default, each new page is loaded only with a Background layer. You can add more layers depending on your needs by using the Add Layer or Insert Layer buttons.
2. Additional Layers. The total number of layers that you can have available in TwistedBrush Pro Studio is 255. Typically the currently selected layer is highlighted.
3. The Layer Preview area or Layer Thumbnail. Shows the miniature preview of the content of the layer.
4. With the eye icon you can make a layer visible or hidden.
5. Layer Lock. With the lock icon you can toggle between three positions: no lock, alpha lock and full lock. See the topic of Layer Locks for more details.
6. Special Layers: the Paper Layer, Scratch Layer and Mask Edit Layer. Special layers are layers that act differently than normal layers, but are implemented as layers to allow for all the power of TwistedBrush to edit the contents. There is only one of each type of special layer available for any page. See the topics included in the section Special Layers for more details.
7. The Layer Mix Modes. This is a drop-down menu from where you can select the blending mode for the currently selected layer. See the topic on Layer Mix Modes for more details.
8. The Opacity Slider. Allows you to set the opacity of the currently selected layer. This setting can be adjusted as many times as you need.
9. Add Layer. Adds a new layer on top of the Layer list.
10. Insert Layer. Adds a new layer above the selected layer moving all other layers up.
11. Duplicate Layer. Makes a copy of the currently selected layer and insert it above the current layer moving all other layers up.
12. Delete Layer. Removes permanently the currently selected layer.
13. Merge Layer. Merges the currently selected layer with the next layer below.
14. Flatten Layers. This button will merge all your layers in one image.
15. Flatten Visible Layers. Will merge only the visible layers, but not the hidden ones.
16. Color. Color coding for your layers. Will open a palette from where you will be able to choose a color for the currently selected layer.
All commands in the Layer Icons Panel plus additional options are also available through a right-click menu.
Tip: Hover over the icons to see the icon name
The Layers Panel contextual menu

Right-click with your mouse inside the Layers panel to open the contextual menu. You will find here all options that are available as buttons or in the Layers menu, plus some additional options such as Move Layer Up, Move Layer Down, Rename, Convert to BLOB Layer, Convert to Liquid Paint Layer and Convert to Silhouette Print Layer. The last 3 options create the necessary environment for work with some special brush artsets such as the Blob brushes, the Liquid Brushes and the Luminance Brushes.
Renaming a layer

1. To rename a layer, double click on it and this will open a Rename Layer dialog box where you will be able to add the new name for your layer.
2. The Rename option is also available in the right-click contextual menu
For more information on the Layers, please see the corresponding topics in the Layers and Special Layers sections in the TwistedBrush Pro Studio (v18-24) User Guide.