TwistedBrush Lua Filter General APIs

a = get_alpha(x, y)

set_alpha(x, y, a)

m = get_mask(x, y) -- added in 16.02

set_mask(x, y, m) -- added in 16.02

r, g, b = get_color() -- Gets the current brush color

r, g, b = get_color1() -- Gets the current color from slot 1

r, g, b = get_color2() -- Gets the current color from slot 2

r, g, b = get_color3() -- Gets the current color from slot 3

r, g, b = get_color4() -- Gets the current color from slot 4

single_buffer() -- All functions work from the same buffer

message_box(message, title) -- Display message box

merge(merge_mode, opacity) -- Like the flush() method but a merge mode and opacity can be specified for the merging of the destination buffer back into the source buffer. The valid merge types are listed here.

output_debug_string(message) -- Send the string to the Windows debug monitor.

is_escape() -- Returns 1 if the escape key is currently pressed.

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