Using the Blob Styler Brushes

The Blob Styler brushes combine the ways the brushes from the Blob Modeler ArtSet work. They are usually used to create more traditional looking art

Blob Styler Brushes

The Blob Styler Brushes can be used separately to create the blob base model. They also include Bob Add, Blob Sub, Blob Shadow and Blob Highlight Brushes.

Unlike the brushes in the Blob Modeler ArtSet, the Blob Styler brushes look more like a textured paint than like a blob.

Using the Blob Styler Brushes

The process of creating blob art with the Blob Styler brushes is the same as with the Blob Modeler brushes. You can even combine and use both.

1. Create the Base Model with the Blob Styler Add brushes

2. Adjust the shape with the Blob Styler Sub brushes. The shaping brushes from the Blob Modeler ArtSet can  also be used.

3. Adjust the Highlights and the Shadows.

4. Paint your model with any paint or pattern brush.

You can continue adjusting the shape and the luminance even after the model is painted.


Here is an artwork created entirely with the Blob Styler brushes (Credits: Jewel Savoy)