Layers Panel
The Layers panel gives you complete control to manage the layers in your image.

The items 1, 2 and 3 here will change depending on the currently selected layer,.
- Layer name edit field. Here you can assign a name to any layer.
- The Opacity slider allows you to set the opacity of the currently selected. This is non-destructive and therefore can be adjusted as many times as you need.
- The Layer Mix modes drop down is where you set the blending mode for the current layer. See the topic on Layer Mix Modes for more details.
- The large area of the Layers panel is where each of the up to 255 layers are accessed.
- The Up button will move the currently selected layer up swapping places with the layer above.
- The Down button will move the currently selected layer down, swapping places with the layer below.
- The Insert button will create a new layer above the currently selected layer moving all other layers up.
- The Duplicate button will make a copy of the currently selected layer and insert it above the current layer moving all other layers up.
- The Merge button will merge the currently selected layer with the next layer below.
- The Flatten button will merge every layer in your image together.
- The Delete button will remove the currently selected layer.
- With the eye icon you can make a layer visible or hidden.
- With the lock icon you can toggle between, no lock, alpha lock and full lock. See the topic of Layer Locks for more details.
- The thumbnail is just for reference to help identify layers.
- The background layer is special in that it is the only layer that can have no transparency. In other words it is always at 100% opacity. If you want to work on images that will always have transparent areas such as clip art you can hide the background layer and work on layers above.
- Notice the highlighted layer means that is the currently selected layer. All edits will be occurring on this layer.