Creating Brush User Interface Controls

The Brush Control parameters allow for an easy way for users of a brush to tweak the effects of a brush without needing ot know anything about brush editing.

Starting with a Simple Brush

Starting with a Simple Brush
  1. Here we have a simple brush called Simple Brush.
  2. Notice we have 2 effects programmed for this brush.
  3. Here is what the stroke looks like.

Changing the parameters for the 2 brush effects can be done in the Brush Effects panel, this isn't hard if you are the creator of the brush, however if you share this brush with someone else it is better to give them a user interface to modify the brush rather than expecting them to understand how to edit brushes plus how to edit your brush.

Launch the UI Brush Control Settings Dialog

Launch the UI Brush Control Settings Dialog
  1. Click this column for a Brush Effect to bring up the UI Brush Control Settings dialog.
  2. The UI Brush Control Settings dialog.

Configure the Brush Control Settings

Configure the Brush Control Settings
  1. Enter a descriptive name. This is what will appear in the Brush Control panel.
  2. Enter the minimum value for the brush effect.
  3. Enter the maximum value for the brush effect.
  4. Click the OK button.

Seeing the Results

Seeing the Results
  1. Now the Brush Control panel automatically appears for this brush.
  2. Notice that adjusting the slider in the Brush Control panel updates the Brush Effects panel.
  3. Now changing the slider will give different effects for your stroke.


  1. An additional Brush Control setting was done for the Jitter brush effects and called Scramble. Notice the Brush Effects panel does not need to be shown now to tweak this brush, only adjusting the 2 exposed sliders can greatly alter the effects of this brush without the brush user needing to understand anything about brush editing.
  2. Here is the stroke with the changes to the sliders as shown.