Brush Strokes and Brush Effects
A brush stroke in TwistedBrush Pro Studio is defined as the time from when the pen (or mouse click) is placed to canvas moved and then released leaving paint, normally in some form of a line, on the canvas. Within each stroke there are a series of paint dabs that get placed on the canvas that make up the stroke. For each dab of paint in each stroke the brush effects system is called on to do adjustments that are part of the configured brush effects for the brush being used. Below is a small sampling of strokes with different brush effects enabled to highlight the connection between strokes, dabs and effects.
A Stroke with No Active Brush Effects

- A Brush Type of Covers with a variation of Fine coverage 50 percent feather is the core brush type for this brush.
- The 2 brush effects have been disabled as shown by the red circle on the left column. The brush effects will not process the paint dabs in this example.
- The active brush given a simple name.
- This is a stroke that consists of just one dab of paint. It was created with a single tap of the pen (or click of the mouse).
- This is a more common stroke at consists of many paint dabs placed so close together it looks like a single unit.
A Stroke with Dabs Spaced

- The first brush effects has been enabled. This brush effect cause the paint dabs to be spaced.
- Notice now this stroke is still made up of paint dabs but the paint dabs are spaced out so that we can see each dab separate from the rest.
A Stroke with Dabs Spaced and Jittered

- Now both brush effects are enabled. The Jitter brush effect will adjust the position of each dab.
- The paint dabs in this paint stroke are now spaced and randomly positioned.